Grandfather names grandchild correctly at first attempt


A grandfather sent shockwaves through his family recently after he correctly named his 12-year-old grandson Josh at the first time of asking.

Ronnie Carruthers of Galway, Ireland was attending a family barbecue to celebrate the wedding anniversary of one of his sons.

There were more than 30 members of the Carruthers family and extended family in attendance.

Mr Carruthers was about to tuck into a freshly cooked hotdog when he realised that his daughter Annie, who had prepared it for him, had forgotten to add any tomato sauce.

Mr Carruthers spotted his grandson Joshua was stood at the table next to the bottle and shouted out: “Josh, Josh, hand that red sauce to your old Grandad, there’s a good lad.”

Mr Carruthers eldest son Kevin witnessed the incident. He said: “Dad just spotted Josh there and named him correctly first go. None of us could really believe it and poor Josh was just stunned.

“His cousin James was stood nearby and assumed his Grandad had meant him, so he started moving towards the ketchup, but then Grandad piped up again, scolding Josh for ‘just standing there with a soft look on his face’.

“I mean, me and Karen have three, Isabelle, John and Martin, my sister and her husband have young Josh and Elizabeth. Then there’s my brother Paul and his wife Clare, they have three aswell, Peter, James and Mary.

“And Dad named Josh first time… incredible!”

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