Kim Kardashian is sick of Brexit and wants the limelight back


Kim Kardashian is worried she is being airbrushed out of history after failing to appear on any tabloid front page for two of the last three days.

The self-made businesswoman is said to have been engaged in a series of frantic phone calls to her sisters with a view to putting together the greatest publicity campaign of all time.

Details are unclear at this stage but it is thought that she may be planning to post several photographs of herself in various locations with the cunning twist being that she won’t be wearing any clothes.

Insiders say it could be the stroke of genius that finally sees her getting the respect she deserves.

A source close to the Kardashians told Scoop Alley: “Kim has benefitted from the airbrushing of her photos over the years but she refuses to be airbrushed out of history.

“All this uproar about Brexit, and the EU, and the bent politicians have stolen the limelight recently, but the real disgrace is that Kim isn’t been given the attention she deserves.

“She and her friend Emily Ratajkowski were good enough to show the world their tits but the whole thing just fell flat. Which is ironic when you think about it.”

Kardashian’s husband Kanye West divides opinion but is thought by many to have made some of the early 21st century’s most era defining music.

However, he has never ‘broke the internet’ as Kardashian did when she showed the world her arse and she is keen to recapture her former glory.

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